Hebrews 1:1-2 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Book of Hebrews serves as a link between Old and New Testaments in many ways. Old Testaments explains the origin of our faith and revealed to us God's nature, will and work. The birth of Jesus Christ on earth in the New Testament is a part of God's eternal plan. From the beginning God designed salvation and was determined to make it happen. When Jesus came to the world, God's eternal plan of salvation has become reality in human history. First, God explained about salvation through the prophets in the Old Testament. Prophets were rebuking the sins of the society and God's people at the time, and also pointed to the hope in the future. Even though God's people kept on rebelling against Him and God used different ways to punish them, God knew that He ultimately would need to heal the disobedient hearts of the people, otherwise there's no way for people to become righteous. Time and again God used the prophets to speak to the hope for the future, which is the fact that a Savior will be born for God, and the Savior will bring forth deliverance and freedom. Next, in the last days God wanted to show us that the promises He made in the Old Testament are true. The "last days" doesn't point to the return of the Lord, but rather anytime between the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension into heaven to the return of the Lord. During these last days in the history of salvation, we are witnessing how God's plan is becoming reality. Third, Jesus Christ is the everlasting true God. Lord Jesus didn't just appear in the New Testament time, but He was there when Father God created the universe. Proverbs chapter 8 describes how Jesus was the architect of the God's creation, and He's the everlasting true God. God has installed Jesus as the "heir of all things," and God has raised Him to be the Lord of all universe. He's the king of kings, lord of lords. When you read the Old Testament, your heart will pound because it has written about how Jesus will fulfill all the promises. If you calculate the probability of all these things happen in the world, you'd be surprised to find that it's highly unlikely to be an coincidence. It is God who accomplished all things with His zeal. When we ponder about the life of Jesus, we must acknowledge that God has an eternal plan, and the plan includes you and me! Pray with Pastor Tong God, we thank you, because in your eternal plan you have already seen our needs. You sent Jesus Christ to the world, to die on the cross for us, to be resurrected, and to bring forth hope for new life. We once again come before you to receive your grace, and may you become the strength in our daily life! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!