Psalm 46:7-11
The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Brothers and sisters, the God we believe in the Lord Almighty; in other word, He is the victorious commander! A victorious commander is actually with us, isn't that precious! It's like when we are walking in the dark night, we might be afraid that someone will come up and rob us, but if we have a cop walking with us then we won't be afraid at all. We might even be able to swagger down the road because we know that we can depend on the cop. If you know that the Lord Almighty, the victorious commander, will be walking with you on the way on your life, then what are you afraid of? Enemy cannot harm us and ploys of the enemy cannot rule over us, because the Lord Almighty is with us, hallelujah! When you understand this truth, you will be able to proclaim victory against the enemy every day!
Not only is our God the Lord Almighty, it says in this passage that He's also the God of Jacob, the one who has chosen us. The Bible said that Jacob was so weak that he was like a worm. Worms are totally defenseless, but when Jacob learned to depend on God, he became brave and courageous! In the same way, when we come before God, we often feel weak and defenseless, just like a warm who's without any courage and strength. When we, however, look upon God and depend on Him, He becomes our strength and help. Even though we are weak, God still chose us, not because we are good but simply because of His love. Because He's willing to love us and He has chosen us, we can turn back to Him. When you understand this truth, your heart won't be filled with fear, because God doesn't love us because we succeed or fail, but just because He chose to love us. He's also willing to become the strength and help in our life.
Brothers and sisters, if you want God to become your help all the time, you need to seek refuge in Him and look upon Him all the time, and depend on Him all the time, otherwise God cannot bring the power of signs and wonders to your life. May the Lord help us, let us humble ourselves in our daily life and seek refuse in Him with a soft heart. Bring all our needs to God, and He will listen to our cry from the bottom of our soul and answer our prayer!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, we thank you because you are the victorious commander. May you help us to proclaim victory against the enemy because we depend on you, and let us live in you daily so that we may enjoy your love and abundance. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!