Philip was one who preached and gospel and also saw the needs of others. When the Spirit of God led him into the desert, he saw someone who was obvious like an average Joe. Normally people would just walk, but he was sitting in a chariot. This person was actually the eunuch who was in charge of the treasury in African nation of Ethiopia. He had authority over everyone except the king, and he possessed both power and wealth. If we had encountered him in the desert, we probably thought "how could this kind of person need the gospel? He already has everything!"
Don't we often have the same misconception towards people around us in our lives? When we look around, we see friends who have successful careers and all material possessions, so they probably don't need the gospel. We only see them from the outside, thinking that they probably don't need anything else, but the reality is that material things can never satisfy spiritual needs of the people. The eunuch had money, but he couldn't buy true peace and satisfaction for his life; he had political stature, but he couldn't find his place in life.
Throughout our lifetime, we strive to find the most suitable role for ourselves. Even when we go to Sunday service, we like to find a good spot to sit. How many of us, however, can really find the most suitable role for ourselves? The eunuch had power, but he couldn't control his own sinful nature, because "for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." The eunuch had a religious fervor; although he knew the ceremonies and tradition in the sanctuary, but those things could not help him to find satisfaction. May the Lord help us, let us see the inner needs of the hearts and souls of people. Although the eunuch didn't ask Philip, Philip already knew his needs and real issues inside.
So, how do we really understand the needs of others? The best way is to understand others through listening to them. When we are talking to others, we often don't pay full attention to what each other is saying; we say what we want to and may not even remember what we said, let alone paying close attention to what others are saying. May the Lord help us, think about what people around us really need, and give us a sensitive heart to care for others. Let us bring the needs of others before God and let the love of Jesus satisfy them.