Romans 6:9-11 "For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, He cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over Him. The death he died, He died to sin once for all; but the life He lives, He lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." A victorious Christian life is one that is dead towards sin and alive towards God. The key of such life is to see ourselves in the right way, for how a person sees himself greatly affect every move that he makes. For example, if a high jumper truly sees that he can jump over the bar, no matter how many times he fails, he will eventually jump over the bar. On the contrary, if he doesn't see that he can ever jump over certain height, he probably will never will. Not only does the way we see ourselves carry deep impact, how we see others always impact them. A school once conducted an experiment, where a teacher taught two classes that have the same level, but he told one class that they are gifted and the other class they are underperformers. One year later, the "gifted" class achieved higher scores, while the "underperformed" class actually underperformed with fallen grades. How we see others can impact the way and attitude in which we treat them. It is particularly true in spiritual matters that how we see ourselves impact us tremendously. If we see ourselves as children of God who are redeemed by Jesus who paid a steep price and dispatched on earth as ambassadors for God, we will watch every move that we make to ensure we look like ambassadors. We won't ever look down on ourselves and we won't sin freely. If you see yourself as the same old self, then your Christian life will be the same old life without any change. It works the same way in ministry; if you know that you have become victorious with the Lord and you are sitting on the throne with Him with authority to defeat the enemy, then you should have the guts and courage to rebuke the enemy and to break the authority of darkness. In Christ, we can see ourselves as alive. "In Christ" means we are in God's plan of salvation, which has been promised by God according to His rich abundance. In fact, in the Lord we already have the authority to proclaim victory against the enemy and to live a victorious life; we, however, are often deceived by the enemy to see ourselves as failure. When the Israelites were conquering the town of Hebron, they sent twelve spies in and they came back to tell the Israelites that the enemy was like giants and Israelites were like grasshoppers in comparison. The Bible said the hearts of the people melted. Brothers and sisters, do you know that you are overcomers in Christ? You need to see yourself as dead towards sin but alive towards God!  Pray with Pastor Tong Liu Lord, I thank you because on the cross you have defeated all the work of the enemy, and you have given the same authority for victory to us. May the Lord help us, let us never live under the deception on the enemy again so that we can live victoriously each and every day. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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