Romans 7:6 "But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code." A believer should live and serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. The difficulty many believers face is that they used to live by the value system of the world before they became Christians. Even though they were not happy with that, they didn't know the way out. So when someone told them the gospel, they were so excited that they immediately accepted Jesus as their Savior. But after they became believers, nobody taught them how to live by the Spirit every day. So they went back to their old lifestyle. Just like after Jesus was resurrected from death, he revealed twice to his disciples. From anyone's perspective, they should have been so happy that they would have started to live for the Lord right away. However, according to the Bible, Peter resumed his old job and became a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. Didn't he know that Jesus is the Lord? Even though he knew Jesus was resurrected, to him the Lord could no longer be with them all the time as he used to be. Even though Jesus was resurrected, Peter did not know where to go. The great commission sounds good, but where to start? Nothing is like going back to the fisherman's old life, which is more practical than all the theories. Brothers and sisters, do you share the same feeling? Belief just seems to be some theories to you. You still didn't know how to live. You'd rather go back to your old lifestyle, which feels more practical and less risky. In fact you are not alone. Peter was like you. But when the Spirit came down on Pentecost, his life was turned upside down. He was no longer at loss or in fear, for the Spirit was living inside him and would never leave him. The anointing of the Spirit led him in each step of his life. 1 John says that this anointing is true and not fake. Then he started to be fruitful in his ministry, because the power of the Spirit manifested on him. Do you understand that the Spirit living inside you is not weak, but powerful? The anointing inside you is true and not fake. You need to cry out to the Spirit: "Holy Spirit, how are you going to lead me today?" Then you need to listen. The Spirit will start to lead you with his wonders into such a lifestyle that is different from your old one. Brothers and sisters, never go back to the days without belief. May God help you to rely on the Spirit every day to enter into the flow of that river.  Pray with Pastor Tong Liu Lord, I pray for those brothers and sisters who are still living a lifestyle of this world, and those who are tired of the life of a believer. May the Spirit of the Lord flow in their heart to revive their lives. We thank you and we pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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