Romans 8:5-6 "Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace." What is to live according to the flesh? According to Paul, it is to have mind set on what the flesh desires. In the original language to have mind set is to set your mind on something. For a couple in love, if the man knows the woman is fond of flowers, he would sent her flowers every day. If she is fond of poems, even if he knows nothing about the poems, he would still try his best to "squeeze out" a short poem to her. This is to set your mind on something. What the flesh desires is in contrast to what the Spirit desires. Anything that keeps us from drawing near to God is what the flesh desires. For example, watching TV itself is neither good nor bad. Some TV programs are worth watching. The news program everyday is also concise enough to let you be aware of what is happening in the world. But if you watch TV to a point that it keeps you from drawing near to God, then it becomes what the flesh desires. For example, there is cell group meeting tonight, but there is also the finale of the TV show that you cannot afford to miss. You would think since there is cell group meeting every week anyway, you'd better stay home. Then watching TV just becomes what the flesh desires. What the Spirit desires is something the Spirit leads you to do. Sometimes the Spirit would lead you to visit church friends, but there might be struggle in your heart: well, it is raining and it is inconvenient to me. Maybe next time! God originally wants you to bring comfort to others, but due to your disobedience, that person will still be in anxiety and sorrow. Sometimes the Spirit would lead you to call someone. But you find out it is already 11 PM. You would think: "Forget it. I will call tomorrow". Due to your disobedience, that person will be unable to experience God's grace. To have your mind set on what the Spirit desires is to follow the lead by the Spirit in your heart. The mind governed by the flesh is death. This death is not necessarily the immediate physical death. Rather, it stands for the shadow of death and the power of darkness. When we disobey the Spirit, we not only fall under the power of darkness ourselves, but also make others stay in the shadow of darkness without being delivered. When we obey the Spirit, we just become the flowing river that brings out life, love, peace and joy from us. So the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. Brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of options in your life. Are you willing to choose to have your mind set on what the Spirit desires from now on?  Pray with Pastor Tong Liu Lord, we ask you for an obedient heart that is sensitive to the lead of the Spirit and willing to obey. May the peace of the Lord start to flow out from our life. We thank you and we pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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