Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." Back in the Medieval times, there was a saint named Saint Francis who was excellent at preaching. One time he brought his disciple out to preach, he walked a big circle and came back, so the disciple asked him: "Were you supposed to go preaching? Why did you just walked a circle and came back without preaching anything?" Saint Francis said: "I did, walking around is same as preaching!" According to church history, those who have met Saint Francis felt his kindness, joy, calm and peace, just like seeing Jesus. So, don't ever say that you can't preach, because your life is just like a sermon. As a Christian, we don't just fulfill our duty by making some time and setting aside some money for God every week in exchange for peace. Many people have an attitude towards faith which is still self-centered, seeking our own convenience and benefit, but rarely consider what God wants us to do. Paul clearly told us here that God wants everyone of us to live a life of complete sacrifice. To begin chapter 12, verse 1, Paul used the word "therefore." It is important for us to study the pre-text and post-text while reading the Bible. If there's the word "therefore", in the preceding text there must be a "since". If we study Romans carefully, we would see that the first 11 chapters are all the "since" preached by Paul. Chapters one to two talk about how sin separated men from God, and the gospel is the power of God for saving all those who believe. Chapter three to five talk about the essence of the gospel, which is justification by faith, for we can only receive salvation from God by coming before God in faith. That's why some people said that the way to the Kingdom of Heaven is not a set of stairs, but rather an elevator, which means we can't climb up by our own strength, but only but the power of God. As long as you welcome Jesus into your life by faith, you will possess the brand new life from God. Chapters six to eight reveal the will of God for all saints to become holy and living the form of Christ. Although it's difficult for us, "for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." At the end of chapter seven, however, Paul said that thanks to God, we can become victorious through Jesus Christ. Chapter nine to eleven talk about the mercy and selection of God; we didn't become God's children because we are worthy, for God saved us totally because of His grace. "Since" we now understand God's mercy, how could we not offer ourselves as living sacrifice and live for the Lord? Paul addressed his statement to "brothers", which means it was not meant just for the preachers; people often apply a different standard on the preachers, but we are just brothers who are also dashing towards the heaven! We are merely placed by God in a different type of role to serve Him. No matter who we are - Preachers, lay believers or brothers and sisters - we should all do the same. May God will us a willing heart to become living sacrificed for Him! Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, please open our eyes and let us know see your mercy and kindness have come upon us in amazing ways. Give us a willing heart so that in everyday and every way we may offer ourselves for you to use. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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