Romans 14:12-13 "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." In this passage, Paul said that we ought to give an account of ourselves, not account of others, to God. We like to talk about others people, don't we? When we talk about other people, we became enthusiastic and articulate. One day, however, when we come before God, we can no longer talk about what happened with other people, and even though we enjoy blaming others for everything, we can no longer do that. In the Olympic Games, when a skater falls on ice, he cannot tell the referee, "I was distracted by the noisy audience!" We need to individually give account of ourselves to God and we can't blame anyone else. Paul continued to say here: "let us stop passing judgment on one another." In the future, it will be God, not people, who will judge us, and we should give thanks for it because people can only see us from the outside, but God knows our heart. Since it will be God who judges us, we don't need to waste any effort on passing judgment on people behalf of Him. In the future, we might be greatly surprised when we are in heaven, because many things may turn out different from what we thought. Therefore, we don't need to waste any time on passing judgment, but rather we should work hard on not becoming stumbling block for others. Brothers and sisters, this is something we really need to learn in our faith - Not only should passively refrain from judging others, we should also actively remove anything that stumbles others, so that the grace of Jesus Christ can continuously flow out from our lives. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, we thank you because you have mercy on us. One day we will all stand before the judgment seat, and you will judge us according to your righteousness, faithfulness and mercy. May the Lord help us to accept our brothers and sisters more and not to judge them. May the love of Christ flow from our hearts so that the grace of God will be manifested from us. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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