Romans 15:14-15 "I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one another. Yet I have written you quite boldly on some points to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me." To instruct one another is to remind each other with the Words of the Lord. If we still talk about the weather, stocks, work and ball games when we come to the church, what a pity it is! Some people even came to the church and nobody ever bothered to greet him after he was there for a long while. Therefore, someone once said that when Christians attend the church service, they are just like taking a train, for they can only see the back of the other people's heads without any chance of communication. We need to learn how to instruct one another at church. Since it is to instruct one another, we cannot mumble ourselves. Rather, we have to make ourselves heard. It is not for us to instruct one another with anything, either. Only instruct one another with God's Words. During the great revival in Shandong, when believers met one another, instead of greeting with "Have you had enough to eat?" they reminded each other with "Have you read God's Words?" We don't have to copy their greetings. But we can naturally bring God's promise into our life. The simplest way is to say: "Jesus loves you!" Everyone still needs the love of Jesus no matter how long he has been a believer. Once I was preaching somewhere. After the sermon, an old lady came to me and said: "Pastor, did you really mean it when you said it just now? You said that Jesus loves me. Does Jesus really love me?" I told her: "Yes, Jesus loves you very much!" Tears started to roll down her face. Such a simple sentence has given her great encouragement. We need to instruct one another by faith in the church, for what you say may be exactly what the other person needs to hear. Needless to say, you don't have to say it orally all the time. Just a card with instructive words may also be very helpful. I remember that I came home exhausted after service one Sunday. But I got a card from mail the next day. It was from a sister in the church, telling me that my sermon that Sunday was very helpful to her. I was greatly comforted by it. Such a short message can always bring great encouragement to others. Are you willing to instruct one another every day so others can get encouraged and helped? Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, may your love start to flow in our life. May you use our speech to instruct one another with your Words, so that people around us can be edified and blessed by us. We thank you and we pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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