Romans 15:20-21 "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather, as it is written: 'Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.'" This is what Paul pledged before God: He asked God for expanding the territory for the gospel so that he can go where the gospel has never been preached. I truly believe that God has entrusted the expanded territory to Paul. Peter and Paul have very different callings; when God called Peter, He wanted Peter to preach the gospel among the Jews, but when God called Peter, God wanted him, as it is clearly stated in Acts 9:15, to carry His name to the gentiles and their kings. Paul clearly knew the territory that God entrusted him, therefore he was responding to God's calling here, to go to places where the gospel has never been preached. You need to understand when it comes to spiritual matters, territory of ministry is very important. When Abraham was called by God, God wanted him to leave his homeland and go the Promised Land. It's not just any place, but the one promised by God, and that's the only place where Abraham would be blessed. When Paul was seeking territory of ministry, he wanted to go to Asia, but the Holy Spirit kept him from going; he wanted to go to Bithynia, but the Holy Spirit also did not allow him. It doesn't mean that these places don't need the gospel or Paul was not the vessel that God wanted to use at that time, nor was it that Paul's message wasn't right with God. Paul was the right person with the right message, but he might not have been in the right place - where God wanted him to be. Therefore, with the vision of Macedonia God drove him to preach the gospel at Macedonia. Brothers and sisters, if we are not in the territory that God has entrusted us, our ministry will not be effective; when we serve God in the territory that He entrusted us, we will be blessed. Do you clearly know the spiritual territory that God has entrusted you? May God's Spirit open the eyes of our heart in order for us to better understand His will, so that we may preach the gospel more effectively in the territory that He has given us. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, please open the eyes of our heart to know that the territory you want to give us is the most beautiful one. Give us the courage to stand on the territory that you entrusted us and to serve you there, so that we may preach the gospel effectively. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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