Romans 15:28-29 "So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this fruit, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ." Paul said here that no matter where he goes, he will always go "in the full measure of the blessing of Christ." "Full measure of the blessing" shouldn't just be preached and felt in the church, because blessing of Christ should be brought out of the church. We shouldn't just sing Jesus is Lord at church, but also bring full measure of the blessing of the Lord back home. Many people go to church dressed neatly because they are prepared to meet God; it's great to have such proper and respectful attitude, but often when they leave church, they say "see you next week" to Jesus. They never brought Jesus back to their homes or offices. Actually, the church is not a building with four walls, but it's you and me. The real church has no walls, for it is present wherever we are. When you are in the market, the church is there; when you are in the office, the church is there; when you are at home, the church is there too; even when you are alone, the church is with you. No matter where you go, you should bring the abundant blessings of Christ with you and to proclaim God's blessing no matter what your daily circumstances are. When you are in difficult circumstances and your heart is filled with bitterness and heavy yoke, you must proclaim that the Lord's blessing is sufficient for you; when you are hurt and your heart is filled with sorrow and bondage, you must proclaim that the Lord is our help and strength, our refuge and our shield. As soon as you start proclaiming, your life will be filled with the Lord's blessing that will even overflow. Not only should you proclaim it for yourself, you also need to proclaim it on people around you. When you see someone in despair you need to say to him "you must believe that God's your help"; when you see someone in sorrow, you need to him "depend on God, because He is your hope." No matter where you are, remember to bring the abundant blessings of Christ with you. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, we thank you because in you we have abundant blessings. Not only should we talk about it at church, we should also bring the blessings into our life. May your Spirit come and release us; let us experience your abundant grace everyday, and let us proclaim that such blessings will come upon people around us. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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