Acts 2:22-28 "...Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. "...You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." In this passage, Peter stressed the work of the Holy Spirit in the end time, and also the salvation of Jesus Christ. Miracles alone cannot save anyone, but only the gospel of Christ can bring people salvation from sin. Although we often emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit in the end time, but Holy Spirit never works alone. The Holy Spirit came in order to manifest the authority of Jesus Christ in the hearts of people. The entire plan of salvation, Father God is the planner, Son of God Jesus Christ is the achiever, and it's the Holy Spirit manifests the effect of salvation. From beginning to end, salvation is the plan of Father God, and He proved that Jesus of Nazareth is the sole beloved son of God through the signs and wonders that Jesus performed. Jesus Christ was then handed to men and suffered by the will of God and His eternal plan. Isaiah 53:5 said that we receive peace of the penalties that Christ received, and we receive healing because of "He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities..." That passage also mentioned that Jesus was among the felon and even was buried with other rich men. All the pain suffered by Jesus was predestined by the will of God, and even the Lord was even nailed to the cross by the "wicked men." Why are they called wicked men? It's because Jesus was the sinless savior. Pontius Pilate told the crowed who wanted to nail Jesus to the cross three times that he found no fault in Jesus. Sentencing an innocent man to death penalty is truly wicked, but even that was predestined in the plan of God. On the other hand, we thank God because resurrection of the Lord was also in His eternal plan. Psalmist prophesied early on that Jesus Christ will resurrect from death; Holy Spirit actually revealed to David early on so that he could see things of the future by faith. He saw Jesus sitting on the throne and was no longer the suffering savior, but rather the everlasting savior. By faith David saw the future, and in Jesus Christ it was validated. The resurrected savior can also reveal the way of life to us; not only is He sitting high on the throne, He's also willing to lead us and become our strength and help in our daily life.
Pray with Pastor Tong Liu 
Lord, I thank you because not only did you come to the world for us and suffered to death on the cross, you also resurrected from death and brought us hope of eternal life. We ask that you reveal the way of life to us so that we may receive joy of satisfaction in our daily life. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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