2 Corinthians 1:15-20
... For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by me and Silas and Timothy, was not "Yes" and "No," but in him it has always been "Yes." For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.
"For no matter how many promises God has" do you know how many? Some say more than 5,000, and some say more than 7,000. How many of God's promises do you know and how many have you experienced personally? I have heard of a pastor's testimony in the past. The pastor said every time he reads the Bible and comes across a promise, he would use a red pen to write a T next to it, which means to "Test" or try it. When he actually experiences that promise, he would write another T next to it with a blue pen, which means "True". Soon after, this pastor said, his Bible was not only full of red Ts, but also full of blue Ts.
How much do you value the promises of God? If you really value them, you will take the time to find them and to try them. Just like many people who when they see new restaurants, or new products on television, they will want to try it. Unfortunately, many Christians lack this attitude of treasuring the Word of God. No matter how much they read, they never understand. Even if they memorized it, they would never try to see if God's promises are true.
Many people today have only heard of the truth, but have not yet experienced God's promises? Regardless of the number of promises, they are "Yes" in Christ and they are real. Because God is faithful, He cannot lie; People often lie, because we live in darkness, and want to hide our faults. We also live in fear, afraid of being rejected by others, hence we always put on a mask and pretend to be what we are not. But God is the Father of lights, in his light, there is no darkness and no lies. The promises of God are true, and His words carry power. However, there is one condition, which is being in Christ Jesus. God's promises only come to pass through Jesus; In other words, if apart from Christ, you can do nothing. You may be able to do it yourself, but it is not within the promises of God. No matter how many the promises of God are, they are only real in Christ Jesus, so let us come and taste and see that God's promises are true!
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