2 Corinthians 2:12-14 ...But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. "Triumphal procession" means to become a true overcomer. It doesn't mean that we can overcome, but it's the Lord on the throne who can. We are merely people whom He has saved, but today God has elevated you and I to sit on the throne with the Lord, and we are given authority to overcome the enemy. We must understand that this authority is from God, and based on this truth we must remember a few things: First, we must follow God closely. Since He is the true Lord sitting on the throne, we can only overcome the enemy when we are constantly in Him. It's like when we are walking with a policeman, all the thieves and criminals will try to avoid us. It's not that we have become more powerful, but rather they are scared of the police. Once we understand this truth, we can understand why the Lord said that "apart from me you can do nothing." Second, we must think about why we need do praise God out loud, and why we sing and shout when we worship. It's because we need to proclaim victory! The Lord is victorious, so we must shout, drum up and chase after the enemy. Psalm 8:2 says: "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." When we praise and worship before God by faith, God will overcome the enemy because of our faith and let us become truly released. Even though in flesh we are no more than children and infants, but in spirit God will silence the enemy. When we worship in the church, we must open ourselves up and praise in loud voice. Every morning when we wake up, we must first praise God. It would be a pity if we start the day being defeated by the enemy! We must give glory to God every morning, by faith declare everyday as a new day, and receive renewed grace, that way we may experience the joy of proclaiming victory in Him. Third, this is why we can preach the gospel. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He said that "all authority in heaven and on earth have been given to me." That's why we need to go make disciples of all people. He has sent out because He will be with us, and no matter where we are we can proclaim victory in the Lord. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, we thank you because you are our king, and you have given us all authority in heaven and on earth. May the Spirit of the Lord come to our midst, and in the victorious name of Jesus Christ we rebuke the attacks from all diseases and authority of darkness. Lead us to proclaim victory in Christ each and everyday! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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