2 Corinthians 6:3 We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. As God's fellow workers, we need to be God's witness in everything. Everything does not only refer to church ministry, but also ever big and small thing in our family life and work life. We need to be cautious our words and deeds, so that we do not bring shame to the name of God. Paul mentioned here that this is not so that we will be subject to slander, but that our ministry will be discredited. As God's fellow workers, we need to be cautious about this. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:23, "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive." People often like a list of what is right or wrong, but this is the way of the Pharisees. At that time , there were lots of teaching and rules that were outside of the Bible. On the surface, it seems to be helping people not to offend God, but in reality, it causes people's hearts to turn away from God. The Bible teaches three principles with respect to how we live. First is the principle of freedom. In the Lord, we shall be free from the bondage of legalism. The Lord has already taken away the curse of the law. Hence Paul said, "Everything is permissible." The basic assumption is that when we are living according to the will of God, we have freedom. Second is the principle of loving others. Everything is permissible, but for the sale of weaker brothers and sisters and for the sake of the Lord, we may choose not to do certain things so that we do not become a stumbling block. Once, an older lady came from Taiwan to visit her children. When I went to visit her, I brought some old Chinese concert video tapes for her to watch. Unexpectedly, she was shocked that a pastor would watch such tapes. That day, the Holy Spirit rebuked me and since then I stopped watching these secular music videos. Third is the principle of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is moving in our hearts. We do not live the Christian life according to the opinions of others, but according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit does not rebuke us, we can go ahead and do it, but if the Holy Spirit rebukes us, we need to obey. Brothers and sisters, do your words and deeds glorify the Lord? May the Lord help us to live according to His will! Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, I thank you for being our shepherd, and for guiding us in our daily lives. I pray you will grant us a sensitive heart, so that in everything we do, we will test to see if it is according to your will, and live to glorify your name. I thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! |
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