1 Thessalonica 1:3 We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul gave thanks for the church of Thessalonica for three things: first, their "work produced by faith"; second, their "labor prompted by love";' and third, their "endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." First, it was the work produce by their faith. You might be thinking, aren't we justified by faith? Why is work also needed? Even though we are justified by faith, Book of James tells us that faith and obedience are inseparable, because faith without action is dead. We must have faith, and also the action that is brought forth by the faith, and that's what Paul meant by "work." While we trust in God, we also need to obey his guidance in our lives. James 2:17-20 says that even the demons believe there is one God, but they don't submit to Him, so they are filled with fear and awe because they know that once the judgment comes they'd have to accept the outcome of perishing. We believe in God and obey His guidance, and thus God will bring us peace, joy and satisfaction. The church of Thessalonica set a good example for us. Second, Paul gave thanks for their labor prompted by love. Love requires paying a price. When Jesus gave up His life on the cross, He made the best interpretation for love, for true love must have the cost of the cross behind it. When we love others, we might never be repaid, and we might even be rejected. Others may also misunderstand how we choose to express our love. Jesus Christ loves us so much that He was willing to persevere the pain and suffering on the cross. When we love others, shouldn't we also expect many difficulties ahead of us? Let us not be afraid of difficulties, because the love of Christ can conquer all kinds of hardship and overcome all kinds of labor that we need to pay, but we'll ultimately see the true effect from love. Third, Paul gave thanks for their endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to persevere during hardship, to wait upon God to make way for us and to wait for the Lord's return. When we serve God, we also need to persevere and wait. Sometimes we can't see any fruits, but we must be patient and see how God's Spirit can bring forth wonderful outcome. May God help us, let us bear fruit in all things that we do, so that we may receive His favor before Him. The church of Thessalonica had faith, love and hope. Their faith paid the price of obedience, their love paid the price of labor, and their hope paid the price of endurance. May God also help to live out such a testimony in our daily life. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, please teach us to have work of obedience in faith, and pay the price of labor in love. Let us wait upon you in perseverance every day, because our hope is only in you. May you strengthen our faith and our entire belief system before you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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