Hebrews 3:5-6 Moses was faithful as a servant in all God's house,bearing witness to what would be spoken by God in the future. But Christ is faithful as the Son over God's house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory. The author of Hebrews once again made clear comparison between Moses and Jesus. In God's house, Moses was merely a servant who was faithful and did whatever he had to do. Jesus, however, is the Son of God, and thus He rules God's house. One is a servant, the other is a master; one takes orders, there other issues commands. All believers are merely servants of the Lord who are working towards accomplishing God's will by serving the same Lord. Jesus should be the Lord of our life in every way, but we often neglect this fact and instead treat Jesus like Aladdin coming out from the lamp. When we encounter any hardship, we'd come before the Lord, but we don't want Him to be the ruler of our life. Even though we often say "I will follow Jesus," when we pray we'd say "Lord, I'm going on business tomorrow, please come with me to protect me." Is it Lord who's following us, or we are following the Lord? A servant of God must be very clear about this - Jesus is never our servant, but He's our admiral, and He has come to be the admiral of the army of Jehovah. May the Lord help us to rely on Him and follow Him in our daily life. On the his way to Damascus, a great light shined on Paul and he fell from the horse. Suddenly He asked the most important question in his life - He said "Lord, who are you?" He didn't know the God who revealed Himself, but he knew that it was the Lord who will impact rest of his life. We all know that we believe in Jesus Christ, but unfortunately we don't necessarily know that He should be the ruler of our life. Did you know that Jesus is your master? Are you treating Him like your master in your daily life? Are you letting Him to enter every corner of life to rule over you? Are you willing to solely rely on Him in every aspect of your life, obey Him and also follow Him? May the Lord help us, if you have not honored Him as you master, God is calling you today. He wants you to start following His word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and He wants you to live for Him alone. Are you willing to do it? Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, I thank you, not only are you my savior, you are also the master of our life. You want to guide our life and lead us to victory. Please help us to obey your guidance, and to follow you as our master each and every day, so that your will may be accomplished in our life. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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