Hebrews 3:12-13 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today," so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. There's another reason why Israelites were hardened - Because of their unbelieving heart. It doesn't mean that they didn't believe in God or in miracles, for they were actually in the midst of miracles. Their unbelief is rooted in the fact that they cannot entrust themselves to God. Real faith is not just identifying with something rationally, but to entrust ourselves to almighty God. When things are not going well, do you really believe that God's way is higher than your way? When Lord's will is different from your will, do you really believe that God's will is higher than your will? Single brothers and sisters, do you dare to entrust your marriage in God's hands? Working brothers and sisters, do you dare to entrust your career in God's hands? It doesn't mean that you shouldn't make plan or do you best, but on top of all the effort you will make, do you believe that God will make all thing for together for good to those believe love God? The reason why many Christians cannot experience God's abundance grace is because they don't really believe. In the four gospels, wherever Jesus went signs and wonders happened. But in Nazareth, where Jesus lives, He did not perform that many miracles. Matthew 13:58 says that it was "because their lack of faith." Perhaps you and I have received God's salvation by faith, but we might not have accepted the guidance of the Holy Spirit by faith, and thus enter into the abundance of God. If we don't really know the Lord's authority and abundance, we might not really understand that He's the true God who rules all things in the universe, and that He's still watching every one of His children. When our eyes in faith are opened, we'd know that God is almighty and abundant, and thus we will naturally believe in Him and depend on Him from the depth of our life. The author of Hebrews says that we must "encourage one another daily," and that's why I often ask everyone to say something encouraging to one another in church and cell group. We don't need to talk about more secular matters in the church and we ought to encourage one another more. We must love the Lord more and follow the Lord more. When we follow the Lord and encourage each other daily, our faith in the Lord will be built up from inside. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, we thank you because you are the Lord who's "the pioneer and perfecter of faith." Please teach us to depend on you in our life, and let us encourage one another daily so that your Holy Spirit may strengthen our faith. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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