Hebrew 8:3-5
Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already men who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain."
When God asked Moses to build the tabernacle in the Old Testament, he clearly told Moses to do "according to the pattern shown you on the mountain". This is a very important principle. The second half of Exodus recorded all the things that Moses did to build tabernacle. You will often read "according to the pattern shown on the mountain". It is obvious that Moses was a very obedient person. "According to the pattern shown on mountain" refers to following revelations that God has put in our hearts. There are two principles: First, those who serve God must come close to Him. God showed Himself to Moses on the top of the mountain after Moses spent forty days and nights fasting, getting close to God. Only after that did God showed Moses the pattern of the tabernacle. You can understand God' will, his revelation in your life only after you have been close to God. This is especially true in today's world, where our lives are way too busy. When we come to God, it is like our youths come to their parents. The only thing they say are: "Hi", "Bye", etc. God can't talk to us even if He wants. If one wants to receive revelation from God, one must first settle down, come in front of Him. 3-D pictures were once very popular. Looking at it haphazardly, one can not discern anything. Only after one gets close, after fixating on the picture, will one suddenly discover richness inside the picture. Getting close to God is the same. We must get close to the picture, fixate on the picture long enough, and then see the richness. By the same principle, you need to come to God, getting close enough and long enough, and then you will receive revelation and grace. Second, those who serve God, must obey His revelations. When God reveals to us what He is and His will, God wants us to obey Him. A person who serves God should not do things because it please him, but what pleases God. This is very important. At churches, we often see many people doing what they want to do, trying everything possible to push their own agendas. However, they neglect what God wants them to do. So much so that we do men's work instead of God's work. We labor for God but seldom experience being used by God. May God have mercy on us, such that if our service is based on man, let us turn around and come to Him, let us do "according to the pattern shown on the mountain".
Pray with Pastor Tong Liu 
Lord, we thank you. You reminded us again that we should build "according to the pattern shown on the mountain". May God help us getting close to Him in our daily lives, relying on Him, and obey Him. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
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