Hebrews 8:10 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
The major difference between old and new covenants, which are the old and new covenants that God made with us, is that old covenants are commandments from the outside, while new covenants are inspirations from within. The commandments on the tablet said clearly: Thou should not commit adultery. Thou should not steal. Thou should not bear false witness. Remember the Sabbath day. Honor your father and mother... When we try to follow, we found they are too difficult. Later we try again. Maybe it will be easier. But results are always the same. Ten Commandments of the Old Testament are carved on the solid and stoic stone tablet. However, the New Testament is lively, flowing from our hearts incessantly. This is the river of life told by Jesus Christ. Many parents have told me that their young daughter never did chores at home until one day, when she invited a boy to visit. She got up early and started cleaning every nook and cranny of the house. She wiped clean every piece of furniture. This motivation from within was love. She worked briskly, not feeling tired at all. She had the urge to clean everything. This is the kind of service that is please to God. If all you do is merely to follow laws, then it will destroy your relationship with God. In the time of Old Testament, people followed laws because they had to. In the time of New Testament, because the power of love within, following God's words is natural. The process of following God's words is both easy, and full of grace. The actions of law often results in destroying mutual relationships. When we do because of our love within, we can revive out relationship with God. In New Testament God didn't gave us new commandments, but answers to our spiritual yearnings. When we cried out:" God, may you purify my heart, so that I have upright spirit again", God answered: "Yes". He gave us new hearts, instilled His spirits on us once again. We don't have to rely on our power to follow Him. We have brand new motivations. We have upright spirit in front of us. When we follow the lead of God's spirit, He will lead us into the land of abundance. Once you understand the preciousness of the New Testament, you won't want to live in a binding of Old Testament laws. You want to enter into a relationship of love with Jesus Christ. Let it be your daily power of life. If you haven't feel this kind of power, turn back to God. Pray that His spirit fill you again, flowing and working inside of you. Let the love of Christ call you out again, so that you return to God completely. Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, we pray that you put your loving touch in us. If we were bitter in the past following Your laws, we pray that You change our steps, that we come into a relationship of love with You, and that we live a life that is pleasing to You. Prayer and thanks in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen! |
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