Hebrews 9:5-7 Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now. When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance. There is an atonement cover in the Most Holy Place, which is used for atonement of our sins. Why do we need God's atonement when we come before Him? It's because we are sinful and God is holy and righteous. When we have sin inside, we are overruled by the sense of guilt, which makes us afraid of coming before God. When I was little, once time I failed an exam, and that way on my way home I was so filled with fear that it took me two hours to walk the distance that usually took ten minutes. I wandered in front of our house because I was afraid that my parent would scold me harshly after they saw my grade. In the same way, we are afraid of coming before God because we are sinful. Why can God bring us atonement? Bible says clearly that sin must be redeemed with blood, so in order for our sins to be forgiven, we - the unrighteous ones - need to be replaced by the righteous one. We were deemed as unrighteous before god, but when something replaces us, we can be regarded as righteous before God. Back in the Old Testament time, it was done through blood from sacrifice of killed cow or lamb, but how can blood from animals truly redeem for our sins? It was only a sign for the salvation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the New Testament time, the Bible says that the blood of Jesus washed away all our sins; it not only cleansed us, but it covered all our sins. When we come before the Lord, we are viewed as righteous before Father God and in the eyes of God. Jesus has replaced our unrighteousness with His righteousness, so that we may be viewed as righteous before God. This is the truth of justification by faith. When we come before God by faith and claim to be righteous, Hebrew 4:16 says that we can come before God without fear and we can receive God's help and strength any time. This is such a wonderful grace, and we shall give thanks to God for it. So let's come before God and pray to Him without any fear now! Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, we thank you because in you we have abundant grace. If there's any fear in the hearts of brothers and sisters that make them afraid to coming before you, I rebuke all their fear in the victorious name of Jesus! Let our hearts be freed from any fear, so that we may enter your glorious abundance and enjoy your grace. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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