Hebrews 11:29-31 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days. By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient. The Israelites could trust God because God has proven Himself faithful. However, God's work does not necessarily go according to our timing, but according to His time. When the Israelites were about to cross the red sea, the Egyptians were right behind them. In the nick of time, God called Moses to stretch his staff towards to sea, and the waters parted so that the Israelites could walk over on dry ground. The Egyptian army continued to chase after the Israelites, but right when the last Israelite has crossed over the red sea, the waters came together and drowned the Eygptians. God is always on time! When Jesus was crucified on the cross, from a human perspective, it was hopeless. Yet, after three days, He rose from the dead, bringing the hope of resurrection to mankind. God is indeed a God who is on time. The Israelites went around the wall of Jericho 7 days. You may ask, "What is the point of marching around the city? Marching around the city once per day would be 7 times in 7 days and then shouting?" We often have a lot of doubts in us and do not understand how God works. However, when the Israelites did that, the walls of Jericho fell, just as God promised. God is indeed on time! Here it also talks about the testimony of Rahab. When the walls of Jericho fell, Rahab was in the city. God wants to destroy Jericho, but Rahab had welcomed the two spies. God told her to tie a scarlet cord around her window and in that way, she can avoid getting killed. When God's destruction comes, Rehab and her family were kept safe, and not killed with those who were disobedient. Pray that the Lord will give us enough faith each day to believe in His faithfulness. God indeed is a God who can be trusted. He is always on time and will never delay. When we come to Him by faith, God will use his mighty hand to help us! Pray with Pastor Tong  Lord, I thank you because you are a faithful God and you are always on time. Help us to come before you without any fear in our everyday lives knowing that your faithfulness never changes and your word is dependable and powerful. Encourage our hearts to cling on to your promises! I thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! |
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