Matthew 4:3-4
The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'
When the devil tempts people, it typically uses either deception or accusation, and these ploys are like the left hook and right hook by the devil. First, devil likes to deceive us, asking whether "if you are the son of God." This is a serious accusation! Devil tried to fool Jesus with: Are you really the son of God? How could God treat you this way? Devil often tries to fool us into not believing God is all good and all kind. Even if we believe that God is love, we might not believe that God really loves us, and we may not even believe in God's promises.
When I was approaching 40 years old, I was deeply depressed and I asked friends not to celebrate my birthday, because I felt that once I reached 40 my life was half over. Some people say that 40 years old is "over the hill"; if I've passed the hilltop, it means I'm just going downhill. I felt depressed and I prayed before God; then God's Spirit reminded me that the Bible never taught us that. Then, who told us that we are over the hill? It was the world! The voice of the world often deceives us and influences us in our lives, to the point that it may drive our spirit down to depression. I went back to God and read His word again, and Paul said in Philippians chapter three: "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." I heart was suddenly released; the goal of my life has changed and I am no longer going down the hill like the world suggested. I want to climb up instead to receive the prize that God has called me from above for. Hallelujah! Even though devil deceives us, God's word can always give us strength.
Next, "if you are the son of God" is also an accusation. If devil cannot deceive you, it will try to accuse you, especially if you are serving God. Devil will tell you: You are not worthy to serve God! You got so mad last night! How could you have been baptized, you haven't even finished reading the Bible once! Many people are living under the accusations by devil and they cannot get up to serve God. The best way to overcome devil's accusation is to proclaim the mercy of God. We are never worthy by our own might no matter how great we are, so the question is not whether we are worthy or not, but we are worthy because of God's mercy. Therefore, we can always stand up high and serve God by His mercy!
Pray with Pastor Tong
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