Matthew 21:8-11 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Hosannato the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest heaven!" When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?" The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee." Throughout the life of Jesus Christ, He went in and out of Jerusalem many times, but He never attracted so much attention and caused so many conflicts as this time. In fact, what happened on that day was covered extensively in all of four books of gospel. Apparently, this story has an important place in the work of Jesus Christ. Actually, even Jesus considered it a special day. Before that day, after Jesus healed the sick, He would tell people not to spread the news; when the crowd looked for Him and hoped He'd become the king, He would go and hide in the mountain. There are also times when He entered into Jerusalem secretly, not wanting anyone to know. But this time He intentionally revealed Himself to the crowd. That's why before He went into Jerusalem, He sent two disciples to prepare the colt for Him. He even allowed the crowd to cheer for Him along His way, praising Him as the King of the Most High. Why did Jesus use such a different way to enter into the city? It was for declaring to the people that He's the Messiah, Savior and King. Many people misunderstood what happened, thinking that riding a colt must be the sign of humility; they thought that when a king comes, there should be an army of people with Him. That's why even though the arrival of Jesus startled the whole city of Jerusalem, the Roman government didn't pay much attention to the event. The reality is that, back in the Old Testament time, when kings are enthroned they didn't ride a horse, but rather a donkey! Therefore, when Jesus purposely rode the colt in to the city, the Jewish people and Pharisees immediately realized that Jesus wanted to reveal that He's the prophesied glorious king. Even though Jesus entered into Jerusalem as the king, He was still filled with humility and gentleness, as He never forced anyone to accept Him. He could have brought the army of heaven with Him, wiping off all the forces that rejected Him, but He rather draw us with His love on the cross. He wanted us to love Him and serve Him willingly. Revelations chapter three says that He's still knocking on our door - Not banging or kicking down the door, but just knocking. He said that if we hear His voice and open our door, He will come into our life and guide us. Jesus Christ came to be the king of universe and also master of our life. Are you willing to welcome Him to be the Lord of your life today?  Lord, we thank you because not only you are the glorious king, but you are also the gentle savior. May you come into our lives and be our savior, and let us become glorious witnesses for you in your hands. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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