Saturday, June 15, 2013

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Joshua 1:8-9


Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."


To those who serve God, the Lord is reminding us a few things through this scripture passage: First, God's word cannot depart from our mouths. We shall make our conversations full of the Word of wisdom. In Ephesians, Paul taught us to speak frequently Word that build and comfort people, as well as the Word that are thankful. When there is an opportunity, we should always spread God's promise. But before you can do this, you first have to keep God's word in your heart. Just like when Jesus was tested, He did not thumb through Bible. He already remembered God's word in heart. Whenever there is a need, God's word should come out of your mouth immediately.


One must memorize God's word. Sometimes we forget moments after we memorize it. But this is the normal process of learning. We shall not get discouraged but keep memorizing it, until God's word is deeply pressed into our hearts. Just like many of our elders, after they came to America, they like to learn English. Often they forget once they have learned it. But they keep come back and learn it again. I really hope that we have the same spirit memorizing Bible as that of our elders learning English.  How did we do that in learning English? Because we value it, believing it is important. May God help us, value God's word, and memorize them in our hearts.


Second, one needs to follow God's word, not just simply reading it. It has to change our lives. How to change? It is through following. Joshua was a person who simply followed God's word. God told him to cross Jordan River, and he followed the instruction of God, asking priest to enter Jordan River feet first. When God told him to attack Jericho, he did so by asking Israelis to go around the city for six days, once per day. On the seventh day, they went around the city seven times. It was because of his faithfully to God's word that Joshua became a great vessel in God's hand.


Third, believe in the presence of the God. This is the driving force of our life and our service. When facing the task of spreading the gospels in the  dark African continent, Livingstone had a great struggle. Should he go forward? The spirit of God made him read Matthew 28:20, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." From that moment on, he had no fear going into spreading gospel in Africa. Brothers and sisters, do you value God's word? May God make us memorize His Word, follow His Word, and believe in His Word!


Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, we thank you, because every one of your Word has power. May God help us to rely upon your word in our life every day, and may God strengthen our hearts and minds.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!   


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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054

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