Joshua 3:4
Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it."
Joshua clearly instructed Israelites two things: First, the direction - to cross Jordan river; second, the way - to follow the Ark. How were they supposed to follow? By keeping a distance of about a thousand yards. The main reason is that the Ark represents the presence of God as well as the purity of God. On one hand, it's God's will that we are close to Him. On the other hand, God reminds people that we are filthy in front of God, such that we can not get close to God at will. God wanted them to keep a distance of one thousand yards so that Israelites could cleanses themselves, so as not to be killed by God's holiness.
In the New Testament time, Jesus made a new and lively path so that we can pass the curtain and enter the Most Holy Place. The wall that separates God and men was tore down because of the work Jesus had done on the cross. We can approach the throne of grace with confidence, and we should never overlook this grace. The author of Hebrews reminds us that God is a great fire who cannot be treated with disrespect.
On the other hand, there is another reason to keep a distance of one thousand yards from the Ark. It was to let Israelites know the right way. There were about two million Israelites, with women and children. For such a large group, it is not easy to stop or make turns. The instructions have to be given early. That's why God asked them to keep a distance. When Joshua saw the Ark turned, he could give signal on time, such that procession could prepare for the turn.
This was the path that they never travelled, even for Joshua. From a man's perspective, it was a very frightening thing: even their leader, Joshua, never travelled before. But spiritual paths are just like that: it was not that Joshua didn't know where to go. He knew that God wanted them to cross the Jordan River. But which way do they cross the river? It was completely in the hands of God. Even Joshua had to obey. "You have never been this way before" may refers to the way God would lead, or the way God would provide. Joshua reminds us again, when God leads us going forward, we must leave old traditions and concepts behind, and bravely go forward. Brothers and sisters, are you at the juncture to move forward spiritually? I pray that God gives you brave heart to seek His leadership and be obedient to His guidance.
Lord, we thank you; because of your grace, we can stand in front of you just like Joshua. May the spirit of the Lord renew us again and let us not to be bound by old ways or past experience. When You call on us to move forward, we will be obedient to your leadership, walking on the path we never traveled before. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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