Psalm 18:16-27
He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me. For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I am not guilty of turning from my God. All his laws are before me; I have not turned away from his decrees. I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin...
God is the support of our lives, and before Him we can be completely fearless because He will reward us for what our hands did. There's one condition though - We must be blameless before God. Verse 21 says: "For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I am not guilty of turning from my God." It's important in our faith to obey God's word. When we are in distress, we would cry out to God, eager for Him to answer our prayer and save us. We, however, seldom recall that in order for our prayers to be answered, it's both from the mercy of God and also obedience to His word by us. May God give us courage and a willing heart, let us follow Him in our daily life.
It's mentioned several times in the Bible that we not only should listen to the word, but also follow the word. Jesus preached the parable of a wise man building a house on the rock and a foolish man building a house on the sand. When rain comes down, flood lands and wind blows, the house of the wise man will not collapse, but the foolish man's house completely collapsed. No matter what, both wise man and foolish man will inevitable encounter rain, flood and wind in their lives; in other word, we will surely encounter storms in our lives. God has never exempted us from turmoil or promised us all things will go smoothly forever. Even in the midst of storms, as long as we obey God's word, our life is on solid foundation and will be unshakable. If we, however, do not obey God's word, the foundation will collapse easily.
When we follow God's word, not only will we receive God's reward, we will also please God, because God is pleased with those who obey His word. May God help us, let us learn to be blameless; in our daily life, let us proclaim that God is our support!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord, we thank you because you are the support of our life. May the Lord help us to not only depend on you in our heart, but to obey your word, so that your will may be manifested in our life. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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