Psalm 34:1-8
...I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.Those who look to him are radiant;their faces are never covered with shame.This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;he saved him out of all his troubles.The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,and he delivers them.Taste and see that the Lord is good;blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Once we experience the Lord's blessings, we will "taste and see that the Lord is good." Each time visit West Africa for mission trip, I always enjoy the local tropical fruits tremendously. Whether it's mangoes or pineapple, they are really sweet and juicy, especially the pineapple that melts in the mouth. No matter how I describe it to you, however, it's hard for you to understand. You must personally visit Africa and taste the fruit there in order to really know what I am saying here. In the same way, our faith must progress from understanding of knowledge to actually experiencing it our real life, and that would make our faith life much more solid. Brothers and sisters, salvation can be understood and tasted. When we taste how wonderful the Lord's grace is, we'd really know how wonderful He is, and we will depend on Him in our daily life even more.
How should we taste the wonderfulness of the Lord? It's easy, just obey God, and follow Him and His promises. The Bible has more than five thousand promises - someone even said there are more than seven thousand! With so many promises, have we tried to follow God's word to see whether the promises will come true? When you read God's promises in His word, have you thought about trying them? Are you eager to see God's promises come true? The Bible talks about tithing, and how the window in heaven will open when we give God one tenth of what we make, what a great promise it is! Let us try tithing and give God even more. As soon as you take a step of faith, you will experience the blessing of the more you give to God the more you will have. Hallelujah!
God's grace needs to be tasted, otherwise we'll always just be sitting in a chair in church to listen to wonderful testimonies from others and wonderful sermon from the pastor. It would be a pity if we can never experience God's grace! Brothers and sisters, let us come before God with an eager heart and pray to God: "Lord, let us taste your grace! Give us a courageous heart to follow your word and your promises, so that the grace and blessings that you promised will come upon us because of our obedience."
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, may you bless our brothers and sisters. In our daily life, let us courageously follow your word and your promises. When we do this, the blessings that you promised will come upon us! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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