Colossians 1:26-27
The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Why is there a mystery? In the Old Testament time, the fact that gentiles can become children of God was indeed a hidden truth that people back then did not understand. In Christ, God has torn down all walls between people, so that everyone - Jewish or gentile, men or women, master or slave - who believes in the Lord will become one in Christ. To those who believe in the Lord, we all have the same glorious hope in Christ, and thus we can become one.
One time I attended a pastoral retreat which had attendants who are Caucasian, African, Asian and Hispanic. Right before the retreat ended, an African American pastor stood up and said that while he attended this retreat for many years, he didn't feel that African Americans were respected. A female minister got up afterwards, and claimed that not only African Americans weren't respected, so weren't women. A Chinese pastor was next and he said that there were too few Asians in the retreat. The retreat coworkers and Caucasian ministers rushed to defend themselves and claimed to have no intention to discriminate anyone. When the argument was going on with no conclusion in sight, I lifted my head and saw a big bulletin board on the other side of the hall with the words "Jesus Christ is the glorious hope in our hearts."
I suddenly realized that the bottomline is not to have quota for minorities or including women in the committee, but it is rather the question whether Jesus Christ is the glorious hope in you and me. If He is, then we can become one no matter whether the committee has Chinese representative or not. If He is not, then it doesn't many how many Asians or women are in the committee, we will not become one. The real source of oneness is not cultural, race or etiquette, but rather new life in Christ.
Is Jesus Christ the glorious hope inside you? If He is, then you must retain such hope until Lord's return; if He is not, then you must adjust your sight and not become preoccupied with what's on the outside. Pay attention to Christ inside you, and please Him in everything you do.
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord Jesus, I thank you because you have become the glorious hope in my heart. I ask that you would continue to draw me closer, help me to see your glory in everything and every brother and sister. Let me not just look at the circumstance, but to solely look upon you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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