Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Colossians 3:10-11


...put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator...


In this passage, Paul reminded us about the truth of "the new self":

  1. The new self needs to be gradually renewed.  Making of a new self doesn't happen instantaneously, but rather we need to be renewed by God daily, until God completes His work on us.  That's why people say that salvation happens immediately, but sanctification takes a life time to complete!
  2. The new self needs to be gradually renewed in knowledge.  Our knowledge of God often affects the process of our renewal.  In the story of the prodigal son, the son totally did not know his father; before he left home, he thought his father was some dictator who cannot be reasoned with, so he tried all means to leave home.  After he left home, he erroneously thought his father was some merciless judge, so he would rather in a pigsty than to return home.  His misunderstanding of his father prevented him from enjoying the grace that his father has prepared for him.  In the same way, we also need to renew our understanding of God, so that our spiritual life can be molded by God.  Otherwise, we will be in eternal spiritual starvation, just like the prodigal son.  Is your understanding of God today better than yesterday?  We need to ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts with God's word, so that we may enter all the truth about God.
  3. The new self needs to be "put on."  It needs to be put on because the virtues of the new self, such as tenderness, mercy, love and joy, didn't belong to us and we do not have them by nature.  The failure of many Christians is caused by the fact that we try very hard to live those virtues by our own strength.  These virtues in Christ actually cannot be squeezed out from our life.  We need to come before god daily, to receive grace and strength, and "put on" the virtues from God daily.  The Holy Spirit inside us is like a well in our life, for it has spring water that will keep on flowing, and our responsibility is to scoop water from the well.  If you lack patience and tenderness, then you can admit it, just like bringing an empty bucket before God, and God will fill you with His patience and tenderness.

Brothers and sisters, becoming a "new self" is a daily endeavor.  It's not by our own might, but by the enlightenment, guidance and help of the Holy Spirit.  Are you willing to be a new self today?


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Lord Jesus, I am willing to be a new self everyday.  Spirit of God, please shine in my, and let me see how I am lacking and thirsty in my spirit.  Lord, I don't want to be stuck at where I was yesterday, so I ask you to fill me and cleanse me today, and let my spirit be renewed by you.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!



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