John 2:9-10
...And the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."
Jesus asked the servants to scoop water out of the stone water jars and let the master of the banquet taste it. Once the banquet master tasted it, he thought it was puzzling, because most people served good wine first on a wedding banquet. After people are half drunk they would start serving the lower quality wine, but this family served the best wine last! God's work is always beyond what we can imagine! This world, however, usually gives us less and less. No matter what you are pursuing in the world, in the beginning it would be exciting, but after a while you'd know that these things cannot give you lasting happiness; at the end, they bring nothing but disappointment. It's like chewing gum - At first the gum is sweet, as sweet as the things of the world can give us at first, but after you chew the gum for a while, you end up spitting it out.
When you are willing to give your life to God, God can turn your job around. The Bible says that once Jesus was preaching on the boat of Peter. After He preached, He asked Peter to go out and catch fish. Peter told Jesus: "Master, you are an expert in preaching, but you are not an expert in fishing, but I am! Frankly, I've already tried to catch fish all night, but couldn't catch anything. Since you are the master, perhaps I'll just do whatever you ask and I'll go catch fish." Surprisingly, when we went out fishing, there was so much fish that the fishing net almost broke! Once Peter returned to shore, he bowed before Jesus and said: "Master, I am a sinner, please leave me!"
Brothers and sisters, don't ever think that God doesn't understand your job and career. When you are willing to give your life to God, God will turn your declining business around and make it prosper! Taiwanese Christian artist Yueh Sun gave a testimony about his career: "I sold coffee at 51, recorded an album at 52, and received a motion picture award at 53!" Brothers and sisters, it's never too late to give your career to God! God will always be able to turn your career around! Are you willing to completely surrender yourself before God? Give all the obstacles in life to Him! When you look upon Him that way, you will experience the miracle of the best wine at last!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord, I thank you because you are our savior, for you are willing to turn us around in the time of crisis. May the Holy Spirit personally move among the hearts of brothers and sisters, and let us surrender our hearts to you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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