Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

John 21: 7-15


...When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught." So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.  Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." None of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord.  Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.  This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.  When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."


When the disciples landed, the Lord prepared for them a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread, that was perfect for those tired and hungry people who had fished all night. When I think about this bible passage, I really see God is so full of mercy and grace. The Lord gave Peter fish because he went fishing, but also gave him 153 fish, even when they landed hungry and tired, there was already a fire of burning coals with fish and bread on it. It seemed Jesus was telling Peter, "Peter, do you want fish? I'll give you fish, and it is a lot of fish. Are you afraid of a life of no guarantee? I can also give you contentment; there is fish and bread here. But I have to ask you: Peter, do you love me more than these?"


Why would Jesus question Peter three times: "Do you love me"? It's not because Peter has denied the Lord three times. The Lord Jesus questioned Peter three times because Peter thought he loved the Lord, just as we thought we loved our Lord Jesus. When you think carefully, when you love somebody, you will always want to know where he is, what he is doing now, and you want to find him when don't see him. But Peter was not aware that Jesus stood there watching them fishing that night.


"Simon Peter, do you love me more than these?" Brothers and sisters, the Lord also asks us the same question. Do you love the Lord? I'm not asking whether you come to Sunday Service every week, read the Bible, pray, tithe; I'm also not asking if you have joined the church ministries. If you really love God, you will care about other issues. When you are in a meeting, you'll ask, "Oh Lord, can your Spirit move freely in our meeting?" In daily living, you'll ask, "Oh Lord, what can I do for you? Will the things that I do make you sad?"


Brothers and sisters, when we desire to love the Lord, we'll discover our daily lives are no longer the same. Do you really love the Lord? Let God put the desire to love Him in our hearts, let our lives be fully transformed by Him, and let us present our full being to the Lord.


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Lord, please forgive us, we think we love you, but in fact we love ourselves more than you. Ask the Lord to shine upon us, let us see our deficiencies, and live for you with our whole heart and mind. Thank you and we pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!





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