1 Timothy 3:15
...if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
The trends of the world keep going downwards. Not only are human ethics going down, but people's reverence for God has gradually disappeared as well. Just as the Bible says that the in the last days unclean things will greatly increase and false prophets will be many. The church needs to guard the truth and resist the currents of this dark world. Facing the society that we are in, we need to once again raise up biblical ethics and raise up biblical family values. No matter if others see us as old-fashioned, we must obey God's authority and not follow whatever is the current trend.
To guard the truth is not just the responsibility of the pastor, but it is the responsibility of every believer. Therefore, you need to spend time in God's word. Do you read the Bible every day? Don't think that it doesn't matter. It matters a lot! If a person says he has not eaten for three days, you will definitely be very worried. You definitely won't say it's not a big deal. The next time you hear someone say he haven't being reading God's word, don't say it's no big deal any more. You need to lead him and guide him to grow together in the truth.
Not only this, but we need to also spread the truth in our daily lives. Christ came to bring spiritual freedom to people. This is the need of every person, they need to know the Good News. We proclaim the message not only to rebuke the immorality of the society, but even more so people can receive freedom from the Good News. We are not only pointing out people's sins, but even more we are telling people in the midst of the sufferings of their sins that "God loves you, he wants to give you a new opportunity to live a new life." God hates sin, but don't forget that God loves sinners. To be a Christian is not to be in a higher class, but it is just to be a sinner who has received grace from God.
May God give us the love to spread this gospel of freedom to the people in our lives who are still in bondage to sin. Not only are we to proclaim this message, but may the Lord help us also to show God's love through our actions. Then when a struggling or sick person asks us, "How do I know God loves me?" We can answer, "God is love and he is loving you through us."
Pray with Pastor Tong
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