I Timothy 5: 5-8
The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever
Referring to the widows, Paul indicated they truly rely on God praying unceasingly day and night. This is exactly the secret of trusting God. Why is it so difficult for us to put our trust in God? It is because we have too many alternatives we can rely on; too many choices making us feel less dependent on God. We may even pray, "Lord, I know you are awfully busy, perhaps you do not have time to attend to my needs, I have already made other arrangements."
Isn't that exactly our situation? We pay only lip service in saying we trust God, but in reality, we have already made arrangements with our own resources. We may often hear brothers or sisters saying if they have made enough money and never have to worry about their daily needs, they can take early retirements and serve the Lord whole heartedly. But when the times comes, are you relying on your retirement incomes? Or relying on God? Brothers and sisters, do you have a true calling from God? Are you willing to rely on Him solely? We do not need to wait for the right time, we can serve Him right now; otherwise we are still serving mammon (money), not God!
We only learn to return to God and rely on Him at our wits end. In healing services, many who do not believe in God's healing power previously, or when their relatives are in serious illness when doctors cannot do anymore, they would then return and pray to God as if this is their last resort. The Bible tells us to pray unceasingly under all circumstances. When a person is willing to pray in humility indicating he has total trust in God. On the contrary, when a person is too busy to pray, his reliance in this world surpasses that of God. Paul said a real widow is one who puts her trust totally in God praying day and night unceasingly. Perhaps you are not a widow, but are you relying on God? Let us learn to seek Him through our prayers.
Pray with Pastor Tong
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