1 Timothy 5:17-18
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For Scripture says, "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages."
Paul refers to the principle of taking good care of the preachers, he mentions two kinds of preachers, the first kind is good at directing church affairs and this kind of preacher is often neglected by the church. We care more for preachers who give good sermons while overlooking the need of the various gifts working together for the church. In fact, the church needs not only preaching elders, but it also needs preachers who direct the church affairs. Some preachers are well equipped with the gift to preach, but they have no idea how to deal with organization and administration. Many church conflicts, quarrels among the elders, deacons and pastors are about problems dealing with church affairs. A pastor who directs well can gather different opinions, resolve administrative bottlenecks, and address issues, such that everyone can serve with confidence. Therefore, the church should neither overlook nor mistreat this kind of preacher, just as Paul says, they are worthy of double honor.
Next, the preaching and teaching elders, their work is mainly preaching and shepherding; it's quite common they work at irregular schedules, and one phone call will get them out to do visitation. On the other hand, they often intercede for the congregation, praying in the presence of God, and seeking directions. Paul says they are laboring preachers who may not toil physically but rather labor in their hearts with Christ for the sake of the church, this kind of people deserve more of the double honor.
As a preacher, it is not proper for me to talk about "doubling". But the reality is the church's compensation to the preacher is often quite low when compared with the typical wage. The original intent may be good to let the preacher live by faith, but it also shows we do not value the work of the preacher. First-rate work deserves first-rate wage, how can we motivate believers to go into full-time ministries if we pay them mediocre wages? Ask God to give us an obedient heart to treat God's servants well.
Pray with Pastor Tong
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