2 Timothy 2: 20-21 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. Paul describes a church is a like a large household with many different types of vessels with various functions. Similarly, in our God's family, we are also like vessels with different purposes. When I came across this verse in the past, I felt I was only a lowly clay vessel incapable of doing anything great. In reality, a useful vessel depends not on what it is made of - gold or clay, but whether it is clean. If there is a gold vessel which looks pretty outside, but filled with dirt inside or even moldy, nobody would want to use it; even if you would, nobody is willing to consume what it contains. But if a non-attractive clay vessel is clean inside, it would be put to good use by its owner. In order to be used by God, sanctification is the first thing we need to do. Do not feel that nobody cares if one leads a sanctified live as the morality of this world is worsening day by day. But from the reactions of the mass population towards the recent failures of church leaders, we know that the expectations for the Christians today if still different. "To be sanctified" means to be separated in the original text - separated from sins; separated not only from sinful actions, but also from sinful thoughts. We belong to God, therefore we should no longer behave like people of this world who worship money, lust and fame. We should be severed from our sins and our self-center lives to stride for sanctification so that others can see that our lives are different in the Lord. What kinds of vessel are you in God's hand? It does not matter if you are a gold, silver, wood or clay vessel, what is important is whether you are a clean vessel usable by God.  Lord, we thank you for people only look at our appearance, but You only see if our vessels are clean. May the Lord prepare us, cleanse us so that we may glorify You in our lives. With thanks we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
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