Romans 4:17
"As it is written: 'I have made you a father of many nations.' He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were."
Abraham was a man of great faith. His faith was a not just an untouchable feeling, but he had concrete faith in God. He had faith in God because he knew God, for true faith can only be grown out of knowing.
When you walk into a church and see a chair, you will naturally sit down on it without checking whether the chair will collapse. Why do you have faith with the chair? Because you know the place and past experience tells you that the chair is reliable, thus your faith is based on knowing. Similarly, if we want to have a solid faith for God, we first need to really know God. Abraham had such great faith for God because he knew that God could raise people from death and turn nothing into something. The most surprising thing was not how God tested Abraham, but rather it was the fact Abraham stayed calm while bring Isaac to be offered to God as sacrifice. How come Abraham was so calm? Because he believed that even if he killed his son to offer to God, God could have resurrected him. Therefore, he walked up the hill peacefully without any complaints about God and he didn't beg God to take away this trial; instead, he was prepared to offer Isaac. When he lifted the knife on top of Isaac, he had faith that God was able to rescue his son from the enemy. As soon as he showed such firm faith, God sent angel to stop him from actually killing Isaac.
What's your faith in God like? Do you just believe that God exists, or do you believe that God will reward everyone who seeks Him? The greater our faith to God is, the more God will accomplish for us. The Bible says that "open your mouth wide and I will fill it." Opening our mouth wide doesn't mean we just proclaim anything, but we need to have real faith and believe that although we can't do much, nothing is impossible in God. This kind of faith will take your spirit higher, far beyond any difficulties, to enter the abundance of God. Do you know the God you believe in? How much faith you have in Him is determined by how much you know him, and it will also determine whether you will live by faith or by sight.
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