Monday, June 29, 2015

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Luke 2:28-32


"Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: 'Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace.  For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.'"


Simeon had great ambitions for God.  In the story of the Lord's birth, one amazing fact is that many elderly people were involved.  Zechariah and Elizabeth became pregnant when they were old, Simeon was an elderly servant who's been waiting for God, and prophetess Anna encountered Jesus when she was 84.  I often tell the elderly people that they should never think they can't do much for God because they are old.  We can be constrained by such thoughts and thus cannot experience full extend of God's abundance.


Simeon had great expectation for God: Lord, I want to see your glory in my lifetime!  In Psalm 90:16-17, Moses mentioned his four biggest wishes in life; the first one was not to have power and riches, but to see the splendid of God in his lifetime.  Those who have been used by God throughout generation often have the same eagerness.  Do you have such eagerness?  It is not a wish for coincidence, but an eagerness that will last a lifetime, which may surpass eagerness for anything else.  Just like Simeon, if we can see God's deeds, nothing else in life is worth living for; when he held baby Jesus in his arms, his with was completely satisfied.


For a while we have lost great expectation for God.  Many believers are just following the routine of attending weekly gatherings to fulfill Christians' obligation; however, there's no zeal for our faith, nor expectation for God to perform great and wonderful things.  God is still our great God, and He's the God who's the same yesterday, today and forever.  We need to pray for the revival of God's kingdom feverishly, pray by ourselves but also with other brothers and sisters.  God, may this world see your deeds!  We have heard about your work in the past, and we heard about your work in other places now, but we are not satisfied!  May you reveal your glory through us in this generation!  May the Lord bring forth a glorious revival, and let us once again have a thorough understanding of God's power.  Let all people and all nations know our God, for He is the true God of power and authority!


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Dear Lord, I ask that you give all brothers and sisters a fire to pray for the Kingdom.  In your victorious name, release them from all kinds of hindrance that kept them from praying.  I ask that you raise up prayer warriors, give us the burden to pray, like Simeon, until our eyes see your glory manifested on earth.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!




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