Luke 22:45-46
When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 'Why are you sleeping?' he asked them. 'Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.'
As we face our daily life, we must learn to pray! Prayer will give you spiritual wisdom and insight, and give you spiritual power to overcome any attack from the devil Satan. When Jesus was facing the way to the cross, He was filled with pain inside, so He led the disciples to pray together. He was really hoping that the disciples would pray with Him in one accord! The more Jesus Christ prayed, the more power He had, and more faithful He became. At that time, the disciples were filled with fear and sadness, but they all fell asleep.
How about your prayer life? Aren't we often like those disciples? Our workplace is like a war zone, and we need to take care of house chores and kids after work; when we finally have some quietness, it's time to sleep. Many people pray before they go to sleep, but won't stay awake long enough to say amen all night; as soon as we open the Bible, we feel sleepy. Very often our hearts are willing but our flesh is weak. The Lord told us that we must pray to avoid being deceived; most of the time we become weak and fall because we didn't pray! Leviticus 33:25 says that "your strength will equal your days." If our days begin with prayer, then our day will be filled with the presence of God, we will have wisdom at work, we will have more love in front of our family; if our days begin with rushing around halfheartedly, then the whole day will be filled with fear, depression, pressure and anger.
"Your strength will equal your days." May the Spirit of God help us, and let us always start our day with prayer!
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