Friday, March 3, 2017

Today's Passage - Hebrews 1:13-14

Hebrew 1:13-14
To which of the angels did God ever say, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet" Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
Do you know how precious is our position before God, and do you know that angels are sent to serve us?  Everyone believe is redeems by the Lord for the hefty price, so you and I are rather precious before God.  One time I attended a retreat at a Christian campsite, and the restrooms were labeled as "prince" and "princess".  My first reaction was that these are reserved for people who are special, but suddenly I realized that It was a Christian campsite, so I was the princes!  God's Spirit suddenly opened my eyes and made me understand how precious we are before God.  In the Kingdom of God we can call God as Father, and thus we are princes and princesses in the Kingdom.  Just thinking about it cheers me up from deep down inside, because our childhood dream of being a prince has become reality!  As soon as we understand that we are the princes and princesses of the Kingdom, we shouldn't be surprised that angels are spirits sent by God to serve us from many ways.
First, we inherited the same life as God.  In Christ, when we receive Jesus as our personal savior, we have receive life from God.  Since our life is from God, we are connected to God and to other believers.  We inherited God's life, but angels don't have such life.  In this way we are superior than angels.
Second, every believer is covered by the precious blood of the Lord.  When believers stumble and fall, they can turn back to the Lord, and by the precious blood of the Lord all sins are forgiven, and the Lord will wipe them away according to His promise.  Angels, however, are not covered the same way.  When angels went astray, there was no salvation from God will rescue them.  Salvation is a privilege of the believers, and it's another reason why we are superior than angels.
Third, believers have Holy Spirit living inside us.  When the Holy Spirit resides in us, we have the authority to proclaim victory against the enemy everyday.  Angels don't have the Holy Spirit inside them and thus they cannot proclaim victory against the enemy. 
Our stature is indeed higher than the angels in many ways, so we must give thanks for His grace.  Let us truly recognize that God has sent angels to become our protectors in our daily life, and let us give thanks to God for His grace.
Pray with Pastor Tong
Lord, I thank you because you loved me so much.  Not only did you let us become God's children, you also sent angels to protect us and serve us.  I thank you all for your grace, and I pray that you would help me to live my life for you.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! 

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