Hebrews 12:25-29
See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken-that is, created things-so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."
We should not despise God. We need to be careful in how we act and how we live. We cannot act frivolously because God's judgment is real. Think about the impact of an earthquake and the damage it brings to its surroundings. Life is so fragile and disappears in a flash. Some people do not wake up once they go to sleep. If the Lord wants to take your life away today, will you be ready to meet with Him? Not only is our life fragile, the world is temporal. This world will pass away. They possessions we have will pass away. We need to come before God and recognize how limited and temporal our lives are. When we face death or disasters, this is God's warning to us, saying, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."
When the Day of Judgment comes, we have nowhere to escape. When God shakes the earth, we will not be able to stand, let alone when God shakes the heavens. Verse 27 tells us that shaking the heavens refer to the created things, which is when the Lord returns. When the Lord returns, if you do not have the blood of Christ on you, how can you escape God's judgment? For those who have believed, they do not have to be afraid because in Christ, we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Although this world may past and our physical bodies may decay, the life we have in Christ will never be shaken. Hallelujah! Since we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken, we need to have a heart that is in reverent awe of God and live our lives in a way that honors Him.
May the Spirit of God help us, no matter what we do, to do it in reverent awe of God. Someone once prayed hoping that when the Lord returns, we will be in prayer. Actually, no matter what you do, whether it is shopping, reading or working, we always need to be ready. When the Lord returns, we will be taken up to heaven. May God help us to have a fear of the Lord and to depend on Him each day.
Pray with Pastor Tong
Lord, I thank you because you are not only the God who judges us, but also the Lord who saves us. When we accept you as our personal Lord and Savior, you have already given us the Kingdom that cannot be shaken. May the Spirit of God continue to guide us, to live a live that is in reverent fear of God. I thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
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