Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Today's Passage - Hebrews 13:17-19

Hebrews 11:17-19
Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way. I particularly urge you to pray so that I may be restored to you soon.
How should we treat our leaders? Firstly, we need to submit to them because God has given them authority to guide and shepherd us. As long as their theology is sound, we need to learn to submit to them. Perhaps they do not get everything right, but we need to pray for them because they are God's servants. The Spirit of God will discipline His servants. Furthermore, they often pray and keep watch over the believers. The sacrifice paid by the pastors on behalf of brothers and sisters is beyond description. Each day, they have to deal with believers who are weak or sick, problems in the church and other relationship problems. Hence we really need to pray for them.
Do you oten pray for your pastors? Let us remember them in the Lord each day and pray for their relationship with God. Do not assume that pastors will have sufficient time to draw near to God. Having pastured a church for many years, I learned that many pastors are very busy and have little time to draw near to God. May God bless all our pastors so that they will not only have the hunger, but also find time to draw close to God. This will allow them to preach the Word of God with power, and for all God to meet all of their needs.
Secondly, we need to pray for the pastor's family. A pastor's family is often attacked by the enemy. We need to pray for the pastor's children. They grow up under a lot of stress and become rebellious easily. Many pastors are often heartbroken or troubled by their children because they do not know how to lead them. May God give special grace to them so that they may glorify His name in their lives.
Thirdly, we need to pray for the ministry of the pastor. Many pastors are discouraged by the lack of fruit in their ministry. We need to come before God to pray and bless them. We need to ask the Spirit of God to fill them so that their ministry may be effective and for the Spirit of God to touch them so that they will depend on God and draw strength from God each time they minister. We need to always remember our pastors in the Lord and continually bless them. Let the glory of God be manifested in everything they do. Because when the pastors are blessed, the believers are also blessed.
Pray with Pastor Tong
Lord, thank you because you have given us pastors so that we can experience your richness through them. We ask you to bless the relationship our pastors have with you. Bless their families and their ministries and grant them success in everything they do. I thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! 

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