Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. The Lord said that we ought to "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." This is in fact the greatest promise of all - ALL these things will be given to us as long as we FIRST seek His kingdom and righteousness. In other word, if we remember God's business first, God will have to remember our business. God's "kingdom" represents His authority; in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us "may your kingdom come," which means we ask that God's authority will rule the earth as it rules in the heaven. We should be willing to let the authority of Jesus exercise in our daily life. Also, we ask for God's righteousness so that we may follow everything that God has instructed us to do. As long as we faithfully do what God wants us to do, God will help us to achieve breakthrough in the right time. When we fulfill our duties, God will fulfill His duties too. We are merely vessels in God's hands; all that we can do is to obey. Some people have high regards for the pastors, but the reality is that pastors are no different from brothers and sisters, just as weak and ordinary. We sometimes have worries and anxiety, and even problem sleeping. One time a child sat beside me during dinner, and he said "wow, I can't believe pastors eat too!" I am actually rather ordinary, but when I'm willing to submit to God's hands and become His vessels, God's power will come upon me. Therefore, I believe that we shouldn't wait till we receive power and then start serving; as soon as you submit to God and start serving, God's power will be released, and you will experience His abundance. This is a lesson of faith - If you simply live by faith and follow God's will in your daily life, God will provide for all your needs. Are you living with worries in your life? Do you feel that your circumstance or people around you need to change first? Rather, God wants to start with your life first! You must first seek the authority of God's kingdom, and then find out what He wants you to do. You will discover that He will listen to your prayer; not only will you change, people around you will also change. Are you willing to take on this path and follow His faithfulness? Pray with Pastor Tong Lord, I thank you because your promises are so precious. May the Holy Spirit of the Lord speak to us; let us make adjustment to focus on the Lord, because when we see that you are still sitting on the throne our hearts will be released, and we will follow you alone. You will add all these things to us according to your promise. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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