Joshua 4:23-24
For the Lord your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The Lord your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over. He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God."
The way that God leads us is usually not what we would expect. Sometimes when we are in the midst of it, we don't sense that God is hold our hands, but He has already made way for us and He's waiting for us to cross over. A couple things that happened during a mission trip to Vancouver can best illustrate this truth.
The third day we were in Vancouver, we set up outside a store for an outdoor worship and also to pass out gospel tracks. We had a great experience the day before, so we were happily preparing the musical instruments for worship and balloons as gifts. Only after passing out one gospel track to a family, the store manager came out and asked us to stop our activities, so we had to move to a new location. At the time I was puzzled how God was going to lead us. That night, a family came to our evangelistic crusade and said they were invited by me, and it was the only family whom I passed out the gospel track to. That was the first day they ever attended a church activity. Wasn't it wonderful? The hands of men want to hinder God's work, but God has already prepared those He wanted to win over, and He's just waiting for us to reap the harvest!
On the last day of the trip, we were preparing to go home. It was a Sunday, so the border crossing from Vancouver back to the US was rather crowded, and when we crossed the border we only had a little bit of time to reach the Seattle airport. We were going to rush as much as we could, but then there were constructions on the freeway! That morning we were singing in the choir that "God will never delay," but now we thought all twenty of us will miss our flight! While driving we reached the airline, and we found out that there was a later flight into Oakland and there were still empty seats. A bunch us reached Seattle airport first, checked in and at the end eleven of us made it to the original flight, and the other nine members got on the flight to Oakland. Even though it was 1am the morning when they reached Oakland, there was still shuttle bus available waiting for us! Finally, everyone made their way home by 2am. God had already prepared our way and was waiting for us to cross over! He'll never delay, so let us depend on Him in our daily life!

Lord, please affirm our determination to follow you. No matter how you are leading us in life or whether we can feel your hands, let us clearly see that you have already prepared the way before us. You're just waiting for us to cross over, for you are the God who never delays! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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