Joshua 6:1
Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.
The city of Jericho is situated in the mouth of Jordan River, and it is an important gateway into the Jordan River plain and highland of Benjamin. It was important strategically for defense ever since the ancient time. Years ago, when I visited Israel, I saw the impressive city walls that were excavated by the archeologists. Those walls were there about six thousand years ago, so it's clear that city of Jericho has always been an important stronghold. When the Israelites came near the city of Jericho, not only were the walls strong, the gates were also shut tight and no one was allowed in or out. It seemed impossible for them to conquer such a city! When we serve God and share the gospel, we might encounter such difficulties as well. There seems to be a strong wall around the spirit of the people today. We can talk to people and weather and sports, but deep down inside there's always a wall where the gates are kept shut, and no one is allowed in or out.
This is especially true for true for the intellectuals in North America, who are capable, diligent and competitive. Everyone, nonetheless, has loneliness deep down inside the soul, and no one wants to acknowledge that they are helpless inside. The greatest difficult for sharing the gospel with the intellectuals is not to reach his rationality, but rather to overcome a sealed soul. It's an area that is closed to everyone except himself, and that's why it's often difficult for us to penetrate it with the gospel. We've tried many methods, but nothing seems to work, because the souls of the people are shut tight.
That's not an exclusion issue for the intellectuals either. Years ago I visited a family of Vietnamese refugees; both parents just became unemployed and were surviving on unemployment benefits. They openly acknowledged their physical needs and hardship, but they didn't want to talk about the needs of their soul when we mentioned it. It is an area that no one could come in. If we want our church to grow and gospel to be spread, then we must not just rely on our own experience or capabilities, for this is not a war of the physical realm, but rather a war in the spiritual realm. Brothers and sisters, are you eager to share the gospel with your family and friends? Don't ever underestimate the power of prayer, because only God can change the hearts of people!

Lord, I want to bring my family and friends before you. May the Lord's mercy touch them so that their hearts may open towards you. May they be touched by your love and become your children. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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