Psalm 24:7-10
Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty - he is the King of glory.
Brothers and sisters, we must pray for the city that we are residing in, and we need to proclaim: "The cities we reside in, you must lift your heads, for the king of glory may come in! Who is this king of glory? It is our Lord!" Many Christians hide in the churches and have forgotten the Great Commission that Jesus Christ has given us, which asks us to enter in the world of darkness and let the light of Jesus Christ shine out. Therefore, we must come before God and ask God to give us the will to pray for our ciites.
Back in 1993, a movement called March for Jesus was started in UK, and since then there have been people marching for Jesus in all major cities around the world. Marching for Jesus is not some street protest, but rather to praise and worship God loudly on the streets, to proclaim that Jesus Christ in the Lord. It is also to proclaim to the cities that Jesus Christ truly loves them. Besides March for Jesus, God also started the movement of prayer walk around the world. When we enter into areas that are closed to the Gospel, we would begin with prayer walk, which will tear down all the strongholds and allow the Gospel to spread out freely.
When the Samaritan woman met Jesus by the well, she found out that Jesus was the Messiah who was prophesied and she immediately entered the city to loudly announce about Jesus. Later on, almost everyone in the city turned to Jesus Christ. Prior to that, the disciples of Jesus went to Samaria to buy food; they also entered the city but no one accepted the Lord as a result. Why such drastic difference? Because disciples entered the city to meet their own needs, but forgot to share the Gospel with those in the city. Samaritan woman experienced the power of the Gospel and knew that, besides saving her, the Gospel can save everyone in the city. Therefore, she felt God's heart for the lost souls and she went into the city to preach the Gospel. Brothers and sisters, may God help us to be close to His heart, to enter the city and pray for the people. May the Gospel be preached freely and make way for the king of glory!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, may your spirit move among us, remove all the strongholds and give us hearts that thirst for you. Let people seek you and become aware of your grace. May your glorious presence come upon the cities where we live! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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