Sunday, April 8, 2018

Today's Passage - Psalm 29:1-2

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Psalm 29:1-2


Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.


In this passage, the psalmist called on the people of the Lord to learn to worship God, and give God's name all the glorious that He deserves. David said in Psalm that he worshipped God seven times a day. Brothers and sisters, we need to learn to open our hearts to be near God in our daily life, and to worship and praise Him. I often encourage brothers and sisters to life their hands and loudly sing to they we worship God together. Even though these are just forms, but everything boils down to a form. Singing while standing is a form, singing while sitting down is also a form, it just depends on which form you choose. Some people said that lifting hands while worshipping is just a form, but not lifting hands is also a form. It doesn't matter which form we adopt, for the important thing is to adopt a form that can help us to come before God and open ourselves up.


When we are worshipping, sometimes we see someone with arms cross, mouths shut and face frowned, then we know this person has a close attitude. If we come before God with an open attitude, God's Spirit can freely move inside us. The Bible says that we ought to open our mouth wide, and He will fill us. In other word, if we don't open our mouth, it's hard for God to fill us. Opening our mouth is a metaphor for the openness of our soul. When our heart and soul are open, Holy Spirit can freely move inside us and we will feel the presence of God. That's why some people said they hardly ever feel the presence of God, because they are not completely open to God. Once you are in an environment where you can freely open to God, Holy Spirit will naturally allow God's work to manifest in us.


Therefore, I encourage brothers and sisters to learn to open our hearts before God in all forms. When you open your heart, you can experience God's presence and His abundance. The Lord said clearly said we must enter God's gate with thanksgiving and God's court with praise. It's really that simple - We can come before God and enjoy His presence through worship, praise and thanksgiving! Let us praise Him starting today!


Pray with Pastor Tong    


Lord, only you are worthy of our worship and adoration! Let us give you all the glory that you deserve in our daily life. Come and draw us near to you, and let us open our hearts and minds to you in our daily life. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!  




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