Psalm 43:4-5
There I will go to the altar of God, to God - the source of all my joy. I will praise you with my harp, O God, my God! Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again - my Savior and my God!
Have you ever considered why the psalmist thought that going before God was a joyful thing? We are often joyful when we do other things, like getting together with a few friends, pigging out at a new restaurant, playing sports, climbing a mountain or skiing with friends are joyful things. There are many things that make us happy, but we often don't feel that happy when we come before God, especially when we go to the altar of God. When we think about an altar, we associate it with paying a price, because altar is where we need to be obedient.
The psalmist actually said here that going to the altar was all of his joy. When we surrender ourselves before God, we can really experience God's joy, peace and satisfaction. The altar is where we are change by God; the reason why we are not joyful is because we have struggles inside, struggles between God's will and our own mind. As soon as we surrender ourselves, we will see that God's way is higher than our way and His mind is higher than our mind, and our hearts will be filled with joy! Brothers and sisters, we need to come before God and proclaim that our God is the God that gives us joy. He is the one who helps us and He is the glory on our face. So, let us serve Him, love Him and worship Him more!
Reverend Edward Miller was used mightily by God. Once I consulted him about how to prepare a sermon. He answered: "I never prepare a sermon, I just prepare myself." His word made me ponder about this. Preachers are good at preparing a sermon, but we seldom prepare ourselves. We must come before God and ask God to draw us near. Let us be eager to come before Him, not to depend on our own talents and wisdom, but to come before the Lord to watch Him closely, be near Him and be thirsty for Him. When we are that close to Him and thirst for Him, we will realize that our life is ever more abundant. May the Lord come and draw us near, so that we will run with God!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, may you take me away with you, so that we will no longer be stuck in hardships in our life and the spiritual condition of our past. Give me an eager heart so that we will run with you, so that your joy will greatly fill us. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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