Colossians 1:15-16
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
If you drive through Stanford University on Highway 280, you'll pass by the famous linear accelerator underneath you. Scientists are still trying to find out what kind of force is out there to keep the universe revolving. Through speeding up particles, they are hoping to uncover the secret of the world of energy in the universe. Actually, the Bible has long ago answered this question - it is Lord Jesus Christ. Lord is the center of all things in the universe. Many heresies interpreted the word "firstborn" to mean that Jesus Christ was the first creature, therefore He was also created, but that is an erroneous interpretation. "Firstborn" doesn't mean he was the first one to be born, otherwise Paul wouldn't have said that Lord was the first one to be resurrected, because in terms of time Jesus was not the first person ever resurrected. Lazarus, for one, was resurrected from death before Jesus was. The resurrection of Jesus, however, is more significant than the resurrection of anyone else because it is everlasting. In the same way, the "firstborn" also doesn't mean the first in time, but rather the most significant one who was born.
Not only is Jesus the son of God, He is God Himself. In the four gospels, you not only find the great teachings of Jesus, but you also find that Jesus proclaimed that He is God. In the Gospel of John, He said: "I and the Father are one," and those who know me knows the Father, those who see me see the Father, those who welcomes me welcomes the Father, and those who rejects me rejects the Father. Because He claims to be God, the Jews nailed Him on the cross. Jesus Christ is not only God, but also ruler of the universe. Before He resurrected and ascended to the heaven, He announced to the disciples that "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Even though the world is still being dominated by sin and work of the devil is ever increasing, let's not forget that all the evil deeds are under the permissive authority of God until the righteous judgment comes. The whole world is in God's hand, and Jesus Christ is the center of the universe.
Do you know that the God you believe in is the ruler of the universe? All authorities in heave and on earth have been given to Him, and He deserves all the honor and praise. I hope you will learn to open your mouth and praise Him loudly, because the Lord says that if we don't praise, even the stones will shout and praise. No matter where you are, praise Him out loud now!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord Jesus, we praise you, because not only are you the Lord who created us and saved us, you are also the Lord who's sitting on the throne. I exalt you and I ask you to come and sit on the throne of my life. Rule over my life with your mighty power so that I can manifest your beauty in my life! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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