Friday, July 20, 2018

Today's Passage - Col 1:29-29

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Colossians 1:28-29


We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.


Paul said here that we need use "all wisdom" to proclaim the Lord and draw people closer to God.  Spreading the gospel doesn't only involve holding evangelistic meetings, but we can engage our mind and let our creativity be put to use.  The core message will always be the same, but we can continue to improve the method; on top of our zeal, we also need wisdom.


Two types of power are also mentioned here, one is the power of God, and the other is the labor of men.  When we are serving God, we need both types of power.  Our God is an almighty God, and He can still save today through healing and opening doors.  We can't just acknowledge it rationally, but we must proclaim it by faith, as well as reach out our hand to pray and step out to serve, else we can't experience the power of God.  We can't rely on our hard labor to serve but neglect the mighty power of God.  There are many smart and gifted people in the church who like to serve by their own talent, but they don't know how to follow the mighty power that is working within them.


Did you know that the Holy Spirit needs space inside you in order to work?  We often use our own ways and thoughts to fill up our life, to the point that Holy Spirit cannot freely work within us and God's work cannot be manifested.  So how do we depend on Holy Spirit?  First, we must welcome Holy Spirit to come and work, and we must listen to His voice; second, we must obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Simeon in Luke 2 is the best example; he not only had Holy Spirit inside, he was also inspired by the Spirit and obeyed the Spirit to enter the temple, where he met Jesus.


In order to serve effectively, we need the collaboration between God's mighty power and our labor.  Are you willing become such a vessel?


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Lord Jesus, I thank you because you have sent Holy Spirit to live in me.  I am willing to become your vessel and by faith I lift myself up to you.  Lord, please help me to let the Holy Spirit in me, and also let me be happy to listen to the voice of the Spirit and follow Him.  May you use me to manifest your mighty power.  I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!






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